Monday 23 May 2011


I have a new website up on Cargo Collective.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


4 Colour Screenprint.


More Prints!

 Here are some screenprints I produced based on a drawing I did of a deer's jaw:


Typewriter screenprints:

The above two are 4 colour prints.

The above print involved 6 layers.
For the above print I tried the monoprinting technique, painting the blue onto the screen first and then pulling printing medium across it to print. I then printed the black layer over the top.

This print involved 9 layers and was based on a collage I produced in my sketchbook.

Animal Farm

These are silk screen prints I did for a brief that was to design a cover for George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'. The designs below would wrap around the whole book, so the left side of the images have space for where the blurb and other bits of information would be placed.

Sketchbook Pages

A Few Illustrations

We were asked to design a magazine at uni and here are a couple of the illustrations that I did for mine:

Piggy Banks

At uni we were given the brief to design some piggy banks, using a maximum of 6 colours and sticking to the templates provided. The top design features recession based newspaper clippings with a rubbing of some coins layered over the top. The bottom design is a robot pig.